This Week at St. John’s

monday, April 29, 2024 - sunday, may 5, 2024

Church Newsletter

5:30 PM Home & School Connect

10:00 AM Midweek Bible Class
7:00 PM Midweek Bible Class

6:00 PM Examination Night

6:00 PM Worship Service/ Lord’s Supper

8:00 AM Sunday Worship Service/ Lord’s Supper
9:15 AM Coffee hour/ Bible Study/ BIC
10:30 AM Sunday Worship Service/ Rite of Confirmation/
Lord’s Supper/ Jr. & Sr. Choir sing

Church and School Weekly Announcements

  1. Examination Night, for our 2024 Confirmands, begins at 6:00 pm on Thursday, May 2nd in the church Fellowship Hall. The Rite of Confirmation will be held Sunday, May 5th, during the 10:30 am service.

  2. The May newsletter and calendar have been emailed. For those of you who do not receive it electronically, please check your mail slot in church. You can also view it online HERE.

  3. Staff Appreciation Week begins May 6th and runs through May 10th. We are still accepting monetary donations to support a fun-filled week! A box is located on the table near the church office to place your contribution or you can donate online via the St. John’s website, using the drop-down menu, and selecting “Staff Appreciation”.

    Breakfast items are needed and would need to be delivered by 7:30 am and serve 12-15 people. Ideas include: breakfast casseroles, pastries, bagels/cream cheese, yogurt parfait bar, oatmeal bar, fruit, orange juice, etc. Volunteers are needed to cover our teacher's lunches and recess times during that week. Monday through Friday: (K-4th grade) 11:30 am-12:20 pm; (5th-8th grade) 11:40 am-12:30 pm. Monday, Wednesday, Friday: (4-Year-old Preschool) 11:50 am - 1:00 pm.

    Any questions can be directed via text or phone call to Amy Krager. Thank you in advance!

  4. A Women’s Self Defense class is being offered in our school gym on May 18th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Instructors are Rich Casanova and Rudi Nitschmann. For more information see the April newsletter, or pick up a flyer on the hall table.

  5. Ascension Service: Mt. Olive will host this year’s Ascension service for the area WELS churches on Thursday, May 9th at 6:30pm with Holy Communion. Mt. Olive will also provide refreshments after the service (602 Sidney St.). Pastor Zach Steinke will serve as liturgist. Pastor Mike Killinger (Bethel) will serve as preacher. Karen Coberley (Mt. Olive) will serve as organist, Pam Hart (Trinity) as choir director, and Shannon Hatzung (Trinity) as choir accompanist.
    If you would like to sing in the choir, contact Pam Hart. Please identify yourself and your church. There are two rehearsals at 6:30 pm. They are Tuesday, April 30th at Trinity and Tuesday, May 7th at Mt. Olive.

  6. School and Church families, we need your help! Here is a great way to show love and support to our area homeless. We can put into action our compassion for even those we don’t know or don’t appear to have anything in common with, just as in the parable of the Good Samaritan. We have applied for the Community Care and Compassion grant that is sponsored through our Synod. You may remember hearing about it during the WELS Connection that was played after each church service a few weeks ago. It is a grant designed with Christian Outreach in mind.

    The Grant will match our contributions dollar for dollar up to $2,500.00! We are going to use the money to buy items to make “Rescue Bags” to distribute to our local homeless shelter - the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission. The upper grades will help shop, assemble and distribute the bags. The Mission has sent a list of needed items. Normally we would collect the needed items; however, this grant matches monetary donations. There will be envelopes to donate in both the school and church. Deadline will be Sunday, May 12th. The Deadline is short for two reasons: we just learned about this Grant and we need to complete our mission before school ends so the students can help. The Rescue Mission is in dire need - they have received only half of their usual donations. Any amount you can spare will be matched and greatly appreciated. Special envelopes for donations are on the hall table and in the school office. Blessings to you.